Thursday, March 11, 2010

Funny Quote

We were given a assignment to find our favorite quote in the first part of the book. I chose to use the best quote I could find, of course I'm not going to tell you what I chose but I guarantee that if you were a teenage boy at any time in your life you probably did what my quote says. If you were a girl you dont worry you never did this but its still funny.
while having to do posts on the book that we were reading this quarter (The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian). We were given assignments to write about some of the same instances that were in the book that correspond with things in our lives. So I hope that you truly enjoy this post because I was as honest in writing it as I could be.

walk Through My House intro

When we were given the topic of a descriptive paper, I decided to do mine on my house. I had a tough time trying to arrange this paper around the 5 human sences, I had my wife help think about a way to write the paper. we decided to do a skeleton prewrite and write down a certain scence to go with each room. so that helped i ended up loosing the skeleton prewrite. So I ended up doing the whole thing from the top of my head. I truly didnt try to do anything special but I also hope that you can get a certain feeling for how my house is laid out.

Armpit Intro

The reason that I chose this major writing assignment was because I feel that it is the best one that I did. this is also about me missing Iraq, along with all the tribulations that I and my troop members went through. I have tried and explain it so many times and it never comes out correctly. so this is the best rendition that I can come up with, I know it seems a little awkward and not complete so I apoligize for that now. Still I hope that you enjoy.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

dear Readers

Armpit Intro

The Armpit of The world

house Walkthrough

The layout of my House

Funny quote intro

Indian Journals

Journal Entry


The End